Quality Public Service


Recorder Kalie Work’s Goals & Accomplishments


Customer Satisfaction

In 2019, Recorder Work launched a customer satisfaction survey to measure and assess the department’s service. The goal is to learn from our mistakes while also recognizing employees for their commitment to excellent public service.

Innovative Services

The future of work is evolving around us. We are adapting to the needs of the public. Recorder Work is committed to reimagining the recording process as new technologies surface within the property records industry.

Community Outreach & Education

Learning Sessions

Recorder Work has partnered with several Title and Escrow companies throughout her first term to provide training sessions on the recording process. These sessions outline the responsibilities of the office, the submission process and recording workflow.


Property Recording Alerts

Recorder Work delivered an email alert system for Washoe County residents. The free web service alerts residents when a property transaction records at the office. Recorder Work continues to increase public awareness on this new service.

Accessible & User-Friendly

Certified Copy Requests

Recorder Work is making it easier for the public to do business with local government. She has expedited the process for obtaining certified copies of recorded documents through internal process improvements. Washoe County citizens may order their certified copies by mail or email through a secured web-based platform.  

Record Digitization, Preservation, and Continuity

To enhance business continuity and preservation systems, Recorder Work converted 4.5m records to digital format in 2021. The improvements have allowed customers electronic access to digital images online without having to physically enter the office to sort through historical archives. The new Sony Optical back up system offers exceptional durability and reliability in the event of a disaster.